

Bootstrap Liquidity & Streamline LP Management

Crowdpools Help teams bootstrap liquidity for success token LP. The most important part of the CrowdPool is tokenomics.



There are 4 Preset modes to help streamline the process. The presets use settings from previously launched tokens. These templates continue LP ratios, token supply, market cap configurations and more.

If you are advanced, use Dev Mode to configure your own tokenomics.


1. Token Supply

The total supply of tokens that exist.

2. Initial Rate

The ratio of the newly created token to ETH. In this picture, 10 billion DEMO tokens is equal to 1 ETH. This value is crucial to determine the tokenomics of the CrowdPool. Adjust this value to see how it impacts the other values in the CrowdPool settings.

3. LP reserve

The amount of tokens reserved to be deposited and locked into Uniswap LP. This value must not exceed the supply claimable in the pool + tokens reserved to pair with ETH for LP

4. Max Per Wallet

The max amount of ETH a wallet can contribute to the CrowdPool.

5. Pool Max Capacity

The calculated total of ETH that can be accumulated in the pool based on the initial LP rate (Initial Rate / 2).

Max Capacity

CrowdPools must reach the minimum threshold to go live.

How to create a CrowdPool

There are two ways to create a CrowdPool

  • Create a token and after you have deployed the token contract continue with activating the pool.

  • Select to Create Pool on a token you've created from your Studio Home.

CrowdPool Creation Fees

Currently PSYOP studio charges 0.69 ETH to create a CrowdPool token. This fee acts as a spam controller. Fees are used for Staking Rewards. As the studio opens to other chains, the fees will be published here.

Setting the Crowdpool Window


The CrowdPool has a specific start time and endtime. It's during this time wallets can contribute to the pool.

Crowdpool Stages

  1. Coming Soon - The CrowdPool is created and pending to go live based on the start date in the contract.
  2. Live - The CrowdPool is open for people to continue ETH.
  3. Pending - The CrowdPool has ended and it's creator must lock liquidity to continue.
  4. Ended - The pool has ended, LP has been created, locked and participants can claim the token.
  5. Failed - If the minimum threshold of ETH is not pooled, the Crowdpool is marked failed. Participants can claim their original ETH.

Once a CrowdPool is created, it can NOT be changed

When a CrowdPool ends

CrowdPool Ended

If you are the creator of the CrowdPool, the End Pool & Finalize button will appear on your Pool Page. Once enabled, click the button to automatically generate the LP on Uniswap, allowing participants to begin claiming tokens.

LP is automatically locked for 4 weeks