Help & FAQ

Help & FAQ

Pool Creators

Who controls my contract?

As the deployer of the contract, you control the contract. When you deploy contracts using the Token Studio, the full supply is minted to you. When you deploy a CrowdPool contract, you send those tokens to the CrowdPool contract, which you control. The CrowdPool contract is immutable and cannot be changed.

I deployed a CrowdPool and it says it failed, what do I do?

The smart contract will automatically allow participants to withdraw their contributing ETH.

I created a CrowdPool, how come it's not listed in the top area?


All pools are ranked using an algorithm which sorts them by popularity. Pools that are reported are removed from the featured section.

How do I verify my smart contract on Etherscan?

This will happen automatically.


My CrowdPool failed, do I get my fees back for the contracts I deployed?

No. You ate the steak.

PSYOP Launchpad is not responsible for your success. It is a decentralized launchpad.

The CrowdPool failed, how do I get a refund?

If you participated in the CrowdPool and are eligible to withdraw your contributed ETH, the button will activate.
